James Buchanan Barnes
Winter Soldier. White Wolf.
Full name:
James Buchanan Barnes
10th March 1917
Shelbyville, Ind
6 ft or 183 cm
78 kg or 172 lbs
Mother, Father, 3 siblings. All deceased.
Hair color:
dark brown
Eye color:
Sexual orientation:
Bisexual or pansexual. Bucky likes personalities rather than gender.
Star sign:
Favorite food:
Burgers. Pizza. Shawarma. Anything with BIG flavor
Favorite color:
Blue or yellow
Mental Illnesses:
Severe PTSD. Depression/ major anxiety. Possible DID.Bucky is a sarcastic little shit. He ignores his depression and anxiety by making jokes, often at his own expense. He is eager to learn new things, especially science and technology. But he doesn’t want to be a part of the Avengers or subsequent fighter groups. He just wants to be left alone to live his life.
When Bucky Barnes first met Steve Rogers on the playgrounds of Brooklyn, little did he know that he was forging a bond that would take him to the battlefields of Europe and beyond.James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes, was born on the 10th of March 1917 in Shelbyville Indiana. He was the eldest of 4 children and an exceptional athlete who also excelled in the classroom. He was raised Jewish and regularly attended temple in New York.After moving to Brooklyn with his family at a young age, James became friends with a young boy named Steve Rogers. Together the two of them fought on the playground and on the battlefield.
Bucky was forcibly drafted into the War effort and was sent to England for training with the 107th infantry regiment as a sergeant. His ID number being 32557038.After being captured by NAZI’s and HYDRA during a battle, Bucky was tortured and experimented on by Doctor Zola; something which would continue after his fall.Barnes and others were rescued by a now enhanced Steven Rogers, or Captain America and went on to form the Howling Commandos, an elite combat unit comprising of various POWs Rogers rescued.However, during a mission to capture Zola in the Austrian alps, Bucky got caught in an ambush and plummeted hundreds of feet to his supposed death.The fall however, didn’t kill Barnes. Unbeknownst to his team, Zola’s experiments allowed him to survive the fall, despite losing his left arm upon impact.
Barnes once again was experimented on by Zola and HYDRA. They equipped him with a cybernetic limb and superhuman abilities thanks to Zola’s version of the Super Soldier Serum. After years of torture and brainwashing, Bucky Barnes became the Winter Soldier.A ghost in the shadows, the Winter Soldier would infiltrate, assassinate, and destabilise any person or nation that HYDRA believed was a threat. It’s even assumed that he killed JFK. Between missions, Barnes would be mind wiped and put in cryogenic stasis until he was needed again. One mission of note was December 16th 1991 when the Winter Soldier assassinated Howard and Maria Stark, in order to steal vials of Super Soldier Serum.Bucky’s years of torture were over when he came face to face with Steven Rogers once more. That battle triggered him into remembering his past life and who he was before the war.
Bucky escaped to Romania, living a new and quiet life under the radar. He had his own little flat, bookcase made of cinder blocks, and even his own special chocolate bars. Life was good. He could spend his days at the market, buying plums to help with his memory. His nights would be spent calming down after nightmares, or scrapbooking as he tries to piece together the lost pieces of his life.All of this comes to an end when Zemo uses him in an effort to destroy the avengers from the inside. Barnes was blamed for an attack on the UN building, which resulted in the death of the King of Wakanda. Zemo traps Barnes and uses the trigger words HYDRA implanted to bring forth the Winter Soldier. This led to a civil war between the Avengers.
After the fall of the Avengers, new King T’Challa took Barnes to his land, where he could be put under cytogenetic stasis once again until genius scientist and sister to the king Shuri could clear his mind of the trigger words.Eventually, Bucky is free to liv on the land in Wakanda. He herds goats and even spends time with the young children, learning the languages and how to use technology. That is until another war causes Bucky to once again suit up with a new updated cybernetic arm.The events of Thanos’s war on mankind are a blur for Bucky, who the Wakandan’s have labelled White Wolf. He was taken in the snap and returned by the Hulk’s snap in 2023.After the results of the snap, Bucky returns to Brooklyn, trying to adjust to all the craziness his life has entailed thus far. He refuses to let pretty much everyone call him anything other than Bucky, having taken charge of his own name.However, because of the effects of the mind wiping, and torture Bucky endured he is stricken with severe bouts of PTSD, that seem to be triggered by various little things. While he is willing to fight when necessary, Bucky wants to live a mainly peaceful life. Often taking time out of his day to help old women cross the road or save scared animals.Bucky isn’t as afraid of his metal arm now as he was before, but he still wears gloves and long sleeves when out and about, hoping that will make it harder for people to spot him. Natasha released documents explaining that Bucky was a prisoner of War, but still, he was concerned people would judge him, or even attack him for the things he’d done.
Bucky Barnes
Winter Soldier
Prisoner #56898
The Asset
The New Fist of HYDRA
Fallen Comrade
The Shooter
Cybernetic arm
Superhuman Strength
Artificially Enhanced Physiology including: stamina, durability, agility, speed, reflexes and healing.
Master of various Martial Arts
Knife mastery
Master Marksman
Master Assassin
Acrobatic Skills
Master Pilot
An expert in multiple languagesBucky uses various other weapons instead of his bionic arm, these include:
Colt M1911A1, M1928A1 Thompson, M1941 Johnson Rifle, M1903A1 Springfield sniper rifle, Gerber 11 Combat Knife, Gerber Yari ll Tanto, Benchmade SOCP Dagger, Bayonet Knife, Beretta 92FS Inox, SIG-Sauer P220ST and P226R, Glock 19 & 17, COP .357 Derringer, Intratec TEC-38, a sub machine gun, Colt A4A1 with grenade launcher, various grenades including a soviet ball grenade, Natasha’s M249 light machine gun, an M249 SAW gifted from the Black Panther, and a Milkor MLG revolver.
Mains and Storylines
Bucky and Wanda have been dating for a while, having gone on several dates. They currently live together, have two puppies Luke and Leia, and are planning on expanding their little brood.SAM WINCHESTER
Bucky and Sam met years ago, they are married, have their own place and often fight over who is the best. Bucky wants to have a child who is pretty much exactly like Sam. they bonded over a love of animals and books. But Sam is clearly the smarter of the two.DEAN
Bucky loves to flirt with Dean. They share a love of burgers, booty and classic cars. He loves Dean, but doesn’t know how to tell him. Even when Dean is being annoying and wanting to protect him. Dean helps Bucky in more ways than he can ever imagine.WILSON
Bucky loves annoying Sam Wilson in any way he can. He often sends his friend pictures of birds and asks if they’re family members~~~General:STEVE
Bucky is Steve’s best friend. Steve was the only thing that kept Bucky from ending it all when he was coming around from all the mind wiping in Romania.PARKER
Having a limited interaction with Peter Parker, Bucky is still a bit weary of the web shooting boy. He respects him for his brain but is still confused why a young man would willingly fight. In a way, Peter reminds Bucky of a young Steve.NATASHA
Bucky thinks he remembers Nat. He may have spent time training her in the red room but he can’t be sure if he did or if it was just a dream. He thinks she is beautiful, and an exceptional fighter. But he doesn’t like to be reminded about the time he shot her.THOR
Bucky thinks Thor is a bad ass! He loves the hair and the hammer. One day he hopes he’ll be able to lift it. He understands what Thor is going through when losing his family, as Bucky lost everything during the war.BANNER
He likes Bruce and his mind. But he understands the struggle of feeling like you’re being split in two with two parts of your light fighting for dominance. That makes him respect Bruce all the more.STARK
Bucky and Stark got off to a rocky start, but they eventually became friends. He likes how Stark is constantly thinking and building.SHURI
Buck is forever grateful for Shuri. She took the trigger words out of his head and gave him a new arm. One without the star on it that reminded him constantly he was under control.DARCY
Darcy makes Bucky remember how fun life can be. She listens to him complain about his life, but also gives him the chance to explore new things. She never jokes about him or questions him. She just accepts him for who he is, and that will make Bucky grateful for life.More coming soon!Bucky is a Multiverse account~
• OC friendly
• Multiverse
• Ships with chemistry
• Smut usually in DMs
• Does not tolerate disrespect/racism/homophobia/sexism
• Smut is only written in context with specific partners
• Crack/Banter and SLs allowed
• No godmoddingIf these rules are broken, the SL will be dropped and/or accounts will be blocked.
Mental Health of Bucky Barnes
Bucky’s PTSD stems from both his time during the Second World War and his time under HYDRAs control. His triggers can include minor things like a raised voice or a quite buzzing. It often makes it hard for Bucky to be around other people. And frequently causes nightmares.
When in a room, Bucky needs to find the perfect vantage points so that he can see all the exits. He keeps his eyes on everyone in the room, and panics if there’s more than three people in an enclosed space
One of the only things that pulls Bucky out of a particularly bad slip is a soft touch on his flesh hand, doodling soft circles on the palm of his hand.Anxiety
Bucky is anxious about lots of things. Some days he gets scared of leaving his house because he thinks someone will recognise him or that he will accidentally hurt Someone. The trigger can be small, but it often leaves him feeling cold and dazed for the rest of the day. Often inducing nightmares.Dissociative Personality Disorder
He has two very distinct personalities. Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier. Bucky is sassy, and flirty and brave. But the Winter Soldier is submissive and silent and always willing to serve. There’s also a young man inside him, filled with fear who is rarely seen by anyone because he’s always hiding from the two more dominant personalities.Eating Disorder
Bucky was never fed by his captors. They kept him on a drip whilst in cryogenic stasis. As a result Bucky struggles to recognise if he is hungry or not, which has inadvertently lead to an aversion to food.Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Bucky’s dysmorphia isn’t delusional. He hates the way his arm looks, obsessively needing to cover it. He uses a variety of things to hide it including gloves and sleeves. Shuri managed to challenge this, by letting Bucky had input on his new arms design. So now he doesn’t feel the need to hide it as often as before. Further, Bucky struggles with the fact that he is 100 years old and yet his body is fit. It often makes him uncomfortable and he thinks about it daily.
He has terrifying nightmares. They’ve caused him to do whatever he can to stay awake as long as possible.Buckys favorite flowers are daisies.In the beginning, he was terrified of Wanda’s powers but now he’s convinced she uses them to help him sleep from time to time.He can sew. Often making clothes for his family by hand.He hates his mouth being covered. Or his neck being touched.He can speak upward of 30 languages.He and Steve used to share a bed. Steve has cold feet.He hates talking computers due to Zola in the later parts of his captivity.Buck is worthy of lifting Thor’s hammer.Is a huge fan of music, his favorite being classic rock.Is an avid baker, but is not as good as a cook.Is painfully shy when it comes to women nowadays (2020).He associates touch with pain, as a result he doesn’t like to be touched unless he knows them or initiates the touch.He doesn’t really trust anyone, especially himself.
Face to FaceThe harsh New York winter air blew past James’ ears. He swore he saw the twinkle of snowflakes in wind. This town felt so magical, even as he wandered down the street to his school. Bucky hated new schools. He was seven, and at that age his clothes didn’t seem to fit right; his hair was too long to be able to be styled and his limbs were too long and uncontrollable for his small frame to handle. His ma would often tell him that schools were good places. They were filled with learning and friendship. But he disagreed. He was different to the other boys. He studied the Torah and played with dolls because he had no toys of his own and younger sisters. James just felt... different. He didn’t know why.Once he reached his school gates, he heaved his much too big for him bag onto his shoulder and stepped inside. Ready to start a long day of learning.Luckily, or unluckily depending on who you talk to, James’ monotonous day of copying chicken scratch off the board was interrupted at break time. He was sat in the yard nibbling on a sandwich his mother had made him that morning when he heard shouting. That wasn’t much cause for concern until he heard a girl crying. Being the big brother of a bunch of younger sisters, James hated that sound. So he lifted his head, his crystal blue eyes falling on the fight in the other end of the playground. He was on his feet before he even realised, abandoning his food to the frosty air.As he got closer, the young boy took in the scene. Three beefy, tall boys seemed to be crowding a little girl. They were saying words that James didn’t understand yet, but from the tear stained tracks on the little brunette girls face, James knew she understood every syllable. Then his eyes fell on the skinniest little white boy James had ever seen. He was stood between the bullies and the little girl. James would call him a twig, hug his ma hadn’t taught him better. The young blonde boy had the biggest, brightest blue eyes James had ever seen. Even though they were icy blue in colour, James could see the heat of fire coming off from them. The boys shirt was torn, his shorts were hanging loosely on his frame and he had a bandaid stuck to his cheek. He stood firm, not letting either of the bullies get to the young girl, even throwing a punch or two when needed. When the bullies spotted James approaching, with his sleeves rolled up and a furious look on his face, they scattered. Even though he was young, James was big. Long legs and big fists. He looked rough. Like he could easy take them all in a fight and win.The blonde boy, Steven he would soon learn, glared at James. Like he too was here for a fight. James lowered his hands and dropped the angry look from his face. That seemed to make the blonde boy relax somewhat. James was so distracted with the boy, that he didn’t realise the little girl he had come to protect had scampered off to the teacher, already spilling the beans on what happened James imagines.“I had him on the ropes,” the younger boy said, puffing out his chest in pride. Like he knew he would be able to easily beat up three mammoth sized seven year olds.“I know you did, pal” James responded. Remembering to stick out his hand to shake like his da taught him before they moved. “I’m James. James Buchanan Barnes.” He smiles gently, not wanting to scare the younger boy or make him think he wanted to fight. The blonde seemed skittish and always ready to throw a punch!“Steven.” The blonde murmured, taking the much bigger hand in his own to give it a limpwristed shake. “Steve Rogers.”——From that day on, the two boys seemed to spend every waking minute together. They would even stay over at each other’s houses when their parents allowed it. Steve would tell James all about mass and how he has to eat a little wafer and drink something that was supposed to be jesus’s blood. And James would tell his friend all about how he studies the Torah and helps his mother bake challah for Shabbat. They would walk the cold streets of Brooklyn, playing in the snow and down by the docks. James would have to hold Steve back if he ever saw a man being mean to a dame, and Steve would hold James’s hand when he talked about how scared he was of his nightmares.They were best friends. Now and forever. That’s what they always said. Til’ the end of the line. No matter what life through at them. James would be there for Steve and Steve would be there for him.As winter rolled around each year, the boys would have their customary sleepover. They would both be crammed into Steve’s small bed, (sleepovers at Bucky’s house were hard when his sisters were practically in love with their big brothers best friend!) talking about their hopes for the future.Bucky would explain that he’d be happy with a quiet life. Maybe on a farm where he could take care of his family and make his mother proud. He’d raise goats and keep kosher and kiss his wife on the lips every night.Steve would tell of a life full of adventure. He wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps and join the army. He was willing to lay down his life for this country, to protect those he loved. Bucky hated how Steve was always willing to die while he was always wanting to live.They agreed that no matter where they were, even if it was different ends of the earth, they would always spend the 7th of May together. It was the middle ground between both of their birthdays, and meant that they could celebrate together.Every winter sleepover ended with Steve, curled up in front of Bucky, the taller mans arms wrapped around him protectively as Bucky would whisper,“I smell snow.”—————Bucky’s life dramatically changed after his Bar Mizvah. He was a man now and had to do manly things, like having a girlfriend even though he didn’t really like girls and he and Steve thought they were smelly. Or shaving his face even though there was nare a hair on his face but it made him a man.Other things changed too. Like how his temple had boarded up windows and broken glass on the ground, or how people would comment on him and Steve walking so closely together down the cold Brooklyn streets. Bucky would hear people muttering about him, or they would cross over the street to avoid being near him. Now, he always knew he was different or a little bit weird, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Not until Winston Churchill’s speech was blasted all over the airwaves, and in every newspaper from here to kingdom come.‘We are at war with Germany’.Six words that changed the boys entire life. The United Kingdom and it’s allies were fighting in the streets and on the beaches. Hitler’s Germany were taking people like him and locking them up. Just because he looked a little different and acted a little different. He didn’t say the same prayers as them and he didn’t eat the same food as them. He was still struggling. He had the same hopes and dreams. He worked his ass off every chance he got to help provide for his ma and his siblings. Why did people hate him because one one tiny part of his life?—————-Buck was exhausted. Even in the stiff winter air, Bucky was sweltering. He’d been working at the docks for a while now. Helping load and unload cargo ferries was hard work, but hey at least his arms looked huge now.It was hard enough work as it was, but to have his best friend sat there on Buck’s truck. Munching away on his sandwich from the nearby deli, doodling god knows what on Bucky’s fresh paper. God. Bucky wasn’t a jealous man but if he could switch places with his best friend then and there he would in a heartbeat.He padded over to the bed of his truck, swatting Steve’s feet as he clambered up to sit and enjoy his break. One of his friends asked him to turn the radio up while they continued to work. The radio crackled and fizzed into life as the brunette stole a large bite out of the sandwich Steve held out to him. He groaned in bliss as he swallowed it; enjoying the taste of his first food of the day.That’s when he heard it. The president announcing the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It seemed like everything stopped in that moment. Blue eyes searched for blue as they stared at each other in shock. Steve’s dream was coming true after all then. He’d get to join the war effort. He could fight like his father and protect the very nation he loves. Bucky on the other hand felt sick. Acid churning in his stomach as he thought about what that meant. For them. For him. He didn’t want to fight. He hated fighting. He remembered the nights he’d sit at the top of the stairs and listen to his mother and father argue over bills or money or grownup things he never quite understood no matter how old he got. He could remember the pit in his stomach he’d get every time Steve would disappear down an alley way and come back with a brand new bruise or two for his troubles. It was obvious how much Bucky hated fighting by how much time he spent running away from it.You could hear a pin drop as the men crowded around, listening on tenterhooks to each word, as if words unspoken would tell them their fate. Everyone held their breaths as the transmission came to an end. The radio fizzled into silence, the kind that seemed deafening.Bucky doesn’t remember finishing work that day. Or the days afterwards. All he remembers is praying. Begging to not be sent away from the only life he knew. Imploring for a way out of the fighting. He spent every waking moment trying to come up with a way he could stay back. And every hour he was supposed to be sleeping dreaming of a dark shadow looming over him, chasing him no matter where he went. Eventually, in every dream, the shadow caught him. It strangled him and choked the life out of him and made him drown. He felt like he could never escape it. Never break free from the blackness, as if it touched his soul.That was until one day. It was quiet. One of those peaceful mornings where you can sip coffee and enjoy your eggs and just.... be. The kind of days you look back on in years to come and remember how peaceful you felt.That’s when Bucky recieved his telegram.Sergeant James Barnes. 107th. Shipping out to England.
Miles Apart
We got told we have to write letters home. Something about reminding us what we’re fighting for. All I can remember right now is your ma’s cooking.James.Dear Steve,
Today went okay I guess. We had to practice putting on our masks today. It only took me a minute and a half. I’m getting better at it. But I still miss your ma’s food. The stuff we have here is awful.James.Dear Steve,
The sounds are deafening. I can’t sleep at night because of the bombs. I met some guys I think you’d like. They have a head for danger just like you. Anyway, I’ve got to go. Write soon, okay?
James.Dear Steve,
The guys are all talking about the dames they’ve left behind. I tell them about you and how frustrating you are. I can’t wait to see you again.
James.Dear Steve,
Remember that time I fell of my bike and shredded my knee? You hugged me so hard until I stopped crying? I need that right now.
James.Dear Steve,
They’re saying the bad guys are right on top of us now. I don’t know how we’re going to win. A guy I knew got killed in action the other day. They say his dame was pregnant. Poor kid.
James.Dear Steve,
I’m so scared. How’s Brooklyn? And my family? I hope you’re taking care of them. Remember that Rebecca has taken a fancy to you. Keep an eye on them for me, yeah? And take care of yourself.
James.Dear Steve,
I had a dream last night we had a farm together. I looked after the animals and you took care of the food. You were always better at that than me.
James.Dear Steve,
I really fucking miss you.
James.Dear Darling,I carry your photograph with me everywhere. Love, James. Redheads and Roses
“Flowers look good on you,” Bucky said with a small smile, looking down at the young red head in his charge. Today was one of the few days he was lucid enough to be outside. He was still a prisoner, sure. But they had him training the next generation. Hydra had messed with his mind enough that he believed what he was doing was right. Training little girls to be assassins; teaching them about kill shots and double taps. Showing them how to end a life before theirs had even begun. His handlers told him he was doing gods work; that he was saving the world. A regular super hero. Or at least that’s what he thought. They’d scramble his brain once this month was up. Seven months training and then back in the blender until his next mission.Buck hated it. He hated that he couldn’t tell truth from a lie, that he always felt lost — unknowing of his own head, home or history. But if he fought, like he knew he had done before, he’d get beatings. They’d take him to the brink of death, ‘til he stared his God in the face, and then bring him back. To live the same miserable existence over and over and over. Bucky used to fight, kicking and screaming until his knuckles were bloody and his voice was hoarse. But it never did anything. They beat him. They wiped his mind. And then they put him back in that damn ice box.Until one day they didn’t. Until one day he was free. Walking the streets of Brooklyn, apparently his home town, free from magic words and voices in his head. He could decide if and when he ate. He had control over the metal and wires he called an arm. He was free. Sure, Steve wasn’t there anymore and he would jump around loud noises and it seemed like he couldn’t escape the war. But he was free.Then came the war, and Thanos and death after needless death. Fractions of people trying to complete what the Green Grape God started. People screaming and begging out for help. And her. Natalia Romanova. Natasha Romanoff. Natalie rush man.She’s had many names, Bucky learned, over her life time. So many identities it was hard to count on his hand — flesh and metal alike—, and yet he couldn’t fight the feeling that he recognised her. Red hair and a fight the world attitude. She always fought for the little guy, never took no for an answer, and always, no matter what, put other people first.And that’s why Bucky was stood there. At the marked grave under a cherry tree in the middle of a field. Holding a bouquet of flowers. Once he laid them down, between her name etched in stone Bucky whispers.“Flowers look good on you.”